Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Time Drifters

Time Drifters Review

We are all intrigued by de ja vu experiences, our in-born skills, predilections, love and hate at first sight, attraction to places and things that can’t be explained.

Is it reincarnation as is the belief of many? Perhaps. Can memories be inherited, a part of our DNA? Recent brain and genetics research shows that indeed, it appears that some memories can be inherited, part of your make up as sure as your physical appearance and cell structure.

Can those inherited memories be strong enough to influence your behavior?

Annie, a young girl in Michigan, discovers clues that lead her to believe her father and Dana, her favorite uncle, traveled outside of our reality. Uncle Dana having the ability to drift between realities.

Harley Devlin, the wealthy founder of a electronics company, has always had an intense interest in the mind, history, religion, and the occult. His personal research leads him to believe that there are those predisposed to mind travel into other realities. He has recently developed a compulsion for personal power. More power than his money can buy. He has built a secret research facility to explore directed mind travel by stimulation of old memories with electronic brain implants.

Will Waner, an average thrity year old professional, is searching for his future. He is starting to question his place in life, his relationship with his father, his career. He is trying to understand why he has strong skills in martial arts. He knows that there must be more than it seems on the surface. He meets Harley Devlin. Devlin offers an adventure that Will can’t resist.

Mary Green, a middle-aged archeologist, makes the find of a life time only to have her happiness defused by her discovery of site contamination. How did a 1970’s artifact get deposited in her 1870’s dig?

Valerie Parski, a former FBI agent, is using her investigative skills to support the historic research of a famous university professor. The professor is trying to sort out the story of a witness to history. The man must be hallucinating. Artifacts he claim came from a dead Marine on Guadalcanal, a man he knew personally in WWI, have inconsistencies that would date them much later.

Valerie’s investigation leads her towards solving an old mystery. It also leads her to Will Waner and Devlin’s research facility.

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